Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rock The Harbor Collaboration

Rock the harbor this sunday in Staten Island Snug harbor! all day music fest.Rock The Harbor

This is the progress of an 8 foot by 4 foot collaboration oil painting done by me and fellow artist Dave Freitag..Finished pic coming soon! It'll be part of the stage backdrop for Rock The Harbor,along with 7 other painted panels.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just Finished..

"limbo"..this was a private commission where i was told "circus and palm trees" and this is what i came up with! it actually has a deeper personal commentary about animals in the circus, since i have strong feelings about the subject.
acrylic on wood approx 9"x12"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cover ups, and In Progress

The skull and the fish are massive cover ups..both pics are from after the 1st session. the chucky was also from the 1st session.. about to do the 3rd session soon and hopefully finish it..

Friday, May 2, 2008


Just finished this one...This was a Private Commission..acrylic/ink on wood. reminded me of doing Dottie's icecream tattoo and inspired by spending hours at the Little Cupcake bakery in my neighborhood..yum...

dotties tat
the little cupcake

Friday, April 25, 2008

pollen sucks..

But im working at a new job! Porcupine Tattoo at 231 Norman Ave #311 In Greenpoint Brooklyn! Custom tattoos all the way,so long guidos..

Ive also gotta mention, Albert Cadabras Skull Duggery & Skin Show is so awesome! Wed nights in the fortune cookie cabaret(back room of lucky chengs)..The perfect mix of burlesque,magic and sideshow..for those who dont have real normal houred jobs and can go out on school nights...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brief Update..

I went to the opening of the Last Rites Gallery show 2 weeks ago..What an amazing show! Its still up and i Highly recommend it..Getting to see some of the art up close and personal was a real treat and im really amped to paint again..

and i just gotta say this to artists out there who may or may not know..
Guy Aitchison is soooo fucking amazing. i got the chance to talk to him today at the Philadelphia tattoo convention about painting and stuff. wow.see for yourself: HERE . There was a lot of live painting by other awesome ones like Cory Kruger, Jon Clue, Alex Grey, etc...a very long day to say the least. I got to photograph the Enigma (all blue tattooed puzzle piece guy) for my project.. hmmm what else..packed my stuff up for the last day at my job of 6 years...Moving onto a much better custom shop in Greenpoint/Williamsburg area..

So just a quickie sooo tired now..more to come..

Friday, April 4, 2008

getting an early start on my dia de los muertos celebration..making a home made authentic altar, and clay catrinas figures...feeling crafty to say the least. its more or less a little break while i enter the home stretch of my big extravaganza project of 2008, ensuring i dont get burnt out when ill need the energy the most..the next few weeks are going to be ultra hectic, between a possible job move, philly tattoo convention, nyc tattoo convention, 3 more paintings to do, 7 graphic designs due, 1 sticker design due, planning a release party..its chock full of commotion and frustration, but utterly rewarding at the same time. party details and long overdue press release coming soon..

Sunday, March 2, 2008

another road trip!

this time to philly to talk to a few shop and gallery owners about selling my merch! it worked out pretty well,since i know some people who know some people out there..i may also be doing a guest spot tattooing soon.
also, theres a few philly performers ill be paintings so i was just hanging out with them, ate at giannas vegan spot-sooo yummy btw, and the tried to get a hold of someone i'd really really like to was a productive day..aah soooo much to do not enough hours in the day..

Friday, February 15, 2008

a must see!

the palace of wonders in DC is awesome..there are many cool artifacts and images..everyone was graciously welcoming, and its a mere 3.5 hour drive..we had ukulele band practice on the drive up,and i got to photograph tyler fyre and his wife thrill kill jill for my newest project, and saw an amazing burlesque show! i cant paint as fast as i'd like to but things are coming along...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Road Trip!

For the first time my artistic adventures have taken me out of the tristate area! im going on a road trip with heather to visit the palace of wonders in washington dc to photograph some awesome performers to paint and check out some shows...
this is a very very busy month, as I have deadlines for my paintings, and a few large scale tattoo appointments to finish and get started on..
ill have lots to post soon, including the official press release of my newest endeavor!

Monday, January 21, 2008

i had a rather eventful friend who lost a bet to me had to tattoo we made a video of it. he just edited it and its pretty funny..

then on sunday, i did a tattoo of Dottie Lux the burlesque clown on Joe's ass! hilarious, but asses are hard as hell to tattoo...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2007 recap/plans for 2008

a few years ago, i set forth with this newfound attitude about and for entering the world of art, and how this is relevant to me specifically. Each year i find myself getting closer and closer to my goals, while discovering new ones at the same time..2007 was a major turning point as far as where things are going. i made it a goal in 07' to experiment and get involved in small shows, kinda hustling and making connections. this was more about experimentation than anything else. But i set a focus on painting portraiture last january,which led to rediscovering oils in may, and havent been able to stop ever since. ive painted 6 oil paintings, 3 skatedecks, 2 pen/ink comics, a bunch of freelance stuff, and even began getting amazingly beautiful photographs by chance when getting my reference and setting up shoots. it was all about resurrecting old interests, past mediums, and collectively using what ive learned in the last 6 or so years...
the tattoo world has been great as well, as ive made it to boston 2 times, and philly once for conventions,seminars,networking and the works. i got to do really awesome pieces this year, many of which are on my painting subjects. (latest tattoo on jellyboy the clown from philly, who is also the subject of a horribly dirty comic)..i got to meet and get a little demo from shawn barber in nyc last may, which really inspired my painting process. I then attended his solo show in august,and i highly recommend his painting dvd to any painter.
There is also a new project that ive been putting a lot of work into lately, though until i complete copyrighting and trademarking this new idea and product(s), yes, thats right Lots Of Merchandise in store, i cant reveal it.its been my focus and drive for the past 2 months... its all part of my plan to make some real cash from my art for 2008, while at the same time doing something completely original, working with venues for selling my stuff, doing what i love and seeing the monetary and artistically fulfilling reward.
I have a new perspective on life, especially the artists life. ive eliminated all drama and only continue relations with true, genuine people, who have the same vision and goals that i do. There is no negativity around me and its a great feeling. i have a wonderful family and awesome network of friends. i wish peace and prosperity to all my friends struggling in the same boat, happy new year, and God bless!
love magie