Monday, December 10, 2007


so while on a brief portrait painting hiatus, ive worked out the details of my newest project which is still top secret but will be revealed soon-its a big hurrah for merchandising some of my art-you'll see...
though as of late, ive been putting my photography skills to good use, setting up shoots with people ill be painting portriats of for my nyc performers series..the next shoot on the agenda is the funny as fuck drag queen Bianca Del Rio! he's amazing,and a friend of the man..yes, many drag queens in store, but only the good ones..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Coney Island Tattoos!

3 of my friends,who all work at Coney Island, wanted to get tripple matching tattoos...The funny face guy,sometimes known as Tilly...each one has a part of the phrase "with it, for it, never against it"..these were super fun to do! i even got as a tip an old "homemade tattoos" vintage from the reminants of an old sign shop that used to be in C.I..
damn blogger...cant seem to upload photos at the moment...will post them later...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


ok so today im another year older, and i had an awesome bday party this weekend...ive been taking a little break away from my paints, preparing for a large tattoo news, ive been busy, doing a few cool pieces on select cool friends, but its been quiet...finally, i was asked to donate some art for a benefit art auction for Coney Island. the show is Nov 1st at max fish from 6-9 with a $20 donation at the door.

Monday, September 17, 2007

season is slowing down but....

This is was a super fun tattoo i got to do on the awesome burlesque dancer Dottie Lux..only rarely do i get to do fun things like this where i get total creative freedom from the drawing to execution

Then, right after her, i got to do another out of the ordinary staten island tattoo on another friend..

Monday, August 13, 2007

flighty, tired,busy,oh my

so this past friday i was at the opening of shawn barbers nyc show at invisible gallery. it was really great (though packed in there like little helpless sardines). i am thoroughly inspired once again. He is one of my favorite artists, and is such a nice genuine person. must go paint now oh and by the way..
Heres some of my latest tattoo projects..some are works in progress..

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

painting update

Oh how quickly this summer is going. I have spent soooo much time at coney island this summer, which is one of my favorite places on earth. I was in the mermaid parade last month, at the siren festival 2 weeks ago, at the clowns of coney island burlesque and sideshow last thursday.oh and speaking of clowns and sideshow, i found myself a bunch of new subjects to paint for my portrait series. I got many great reference shots,so stay tuned for a ton of new work in the upcoming months. I also am iffy on doing this skatedeck show i heard about, since im in a flow, and dont really want to stop this portraits of performers series for a different subject.i love oil painting and i have to thank shawn barber for getting me back into it. Im planning a big huge solo show extravaganza for this winter, but this is the last you'll hear of it until all things are in place. also, im going to be choosy about the paintings i decide to show from now until my show, since i want some unseen stuff to be displayed on opening night that hasnt been posted all over the internet.
ok adios for now!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Painting!

This is Heather Holiday of the Coney Island Sideshow, part of a portrait series of NYC performers of all sorts.
Oil on oval canvas..Shes a sword swallower!

Friday, July 6, 2007

this week

more tattoos from this week...and stay tuned for my next coney island sideshow portrait-im almost done painting..

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

wrap your brain around this conspiracy theory

Ok, so check it out: i just saw a commercial for some animal planet show about dinosaurs. After much contemplation, i started questioning if dinosaurs really existed. I mean, wheres the real proof? upon tons of google-ing, i found much more evidence that this is a complete fraud on humans than it is an actual possibility. For one, Why are all discoveries made by bone diggers and archeologists, and never by farmers,miners,construction workers, and people who have lived and dug on the land for generations, in other words, never discovered by anyone who wouldnt have finacial stake in the findings. And Native Americans who lived here for thousands of years? and theres no talk of dinosaurs in any other ancient culture? How is it even possible to piece together these "fossils" and come up with a creature, that by sheer practical laws of gravity would not be possible with its abdomen and head larger than the lower half of its body, with a floating tail? I dont know. Google "proof of dinosaurs" and see for yourself. Science even admits to fabricating the bones with plaster, which is ALWAYS on hand at digs, and theres a museum in Philly that admits to using bones from an Iguana to construct a head, since it was lacking one. hmmmmm. something fishy is going on.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

its nice being on the other side of the needle...
i got tatttoed this week.. venturing into forearm land nice n' big the way we like em'..

Monday, June 4, 2007

weekend recap

so heres an interesting story:
so i go into work on saturday only to be bombarded with a video camera, the producer of deal or no deal, and a former contestant who won 675,000.00 ... apparantly the show is doing a 'where are they now' kind of recap on past winners all across the US, spending a day in the life with them. Well, this guy wanted to get tattooed, and the producer did as well. I got stuck tattooing the producer, who wanted- now imagine- a chicked nugget on his forearm, and a little cup of bbq sauce on his bicep so when he folds his arm, the nugget dips into the sauce. Yup. so they went to mcdonalds, and it was one of the most interesting life drawings ive done yet. in fact, one of the weirdest tattoos ive done. And this was all being filmed, interviewed and will be on air and internet tv on NBC this fall. I have pics of the tattoo.. will post soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

a few things to get started...

This is donny v of the coney island sideshow...first one in a several part series..stay tuned for donny v part 2 a bit more realistic